12/6/2012 08:40:18 pm

observe- It's a person playing guitar in front of a bunch of naked people
analyze- The guitar player is poor looking, probably because the's the hobo king. The people are all naked in the back and they;re most likely nudists. the main person isn't exactly centered and that's good.
interpret- I think it's art because it seems like you spent a lot of time on it and homelessness is a major issue that needs to be addressed.
Opinions- It's really colorful and interesting

ps I really dont care about homeless people at all

12/9/2012 08:22:21 pm

I see a guy playing guitar in front of a crowd The clothes on the player look worn and ratty. The player is in the very front of the frame. I think the guitar player is poor, or homeless..hence the name "hobo nation". I think this picture is well done, the shading is a really nice touch.

12/9/2012 08:32:26 pm

Well, i see a guy playing a guitar for a croud of nude people. I dont actually know if they are nude... He does look rather strange, and i like the fact that you only used color for his clothing, it adds a lot of emphases on him. Nice scarf.


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    Faith Haas

     this is an interesting person first of all because that's the king of hobo nation...hes always awesome BD nerp well anyways...this is an interesting person made from him  being right up front full of color and in an awesome pose...makes it hold an air of interesting aye...and the people in the background them hobos are plain...and cheering their interested....and the sky's cool...-A-

