9/19/2012 09:58:27 pm

observe- I see two businessmen shaking hands and a war in the background.
analyze- The blurred forms in the background lead you to focus on the businessmen
interpret- The gory background and the men shaking hands reminds me of propaganda
form opinion- I like the message it gives out and the composition is great.

9/19/2012 09:59:20 pm

observe- its two scientists- or buisnessmen, I can't really tell, shaking hands with pockets filled with money while the people behind them are dead and there's all this chaos going on in the background
analyze- you can tell there;s space, things are pushed back. the people behind them are smaller, and the composition is very interesting
interpret- there can really be many different kinds of interpretations for this- weather it has to do with something along the lines of war, scientists, or corrupt buisnessmen.
opinion- it's message is very powerful. I defninitely think it should be coloured.

9/19/2012 10:03:24 pm

This picture includes, what seems to be, two business men making a deal while there is war occuring just behind them. The use of depth and focal distance was very successful, clearly showing a difference in the foreground and background. The picture shows so much emotion. It displays that the businessmen are oblivious to the situation happening right behind them. Im not sure there is much i would change with this, other than maybe trying color just to see if it is as successful.


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