9/18/2012 09:53:48 pm

Nice use of focus to show distance. Now let's see the rest of that open space become activated.

9/19/2012 09:56:20 pm

observe- i see two girls walking right past some poor hobo looking guy who's all alone on a bench
analyze- the foreground is blurred and the background isn't, which kinda makes me think of the drawing as a photograph focused on the background. i think it draws the eye more to the person being neglected than the two girls, and i like that.
interpret- the message, i guess is saying how people oftne look past otehrs when they're lonely
form opinion- I think even though it's not coloured, it definitely sends a message that's reasy to see. Great job with proportions and it looks fantastic!

9/20/2012 09:37:07 pm

This picture includes three girls, two together and the other by herself. Focal distance was again used to create a focus. The picture makes me think the girl in the background is being harassed by the two walking away. The edit this i might add more detail into the background


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