9/19/2012 09:54:36 pm

she did well on giving it a dying world feeling by blurring out the background smoke but also focusing on the turtle.

9/19/2012 09:55:17 pm

observe- I see a turtle and pollution from a city in the background
analyze- The detail on the turtle and the city is well done
interpret- I think it symbolizes how were polluting the earth and how it harms animals
form opinion- I think the object on the side takes away from the focus on the turtle but overall I really like it

9/19/2012 09:58:40 pm

In this picture, I see a tortous and trash in the foreground, in the background theres a city scape with factories that are putting out smoke into the air. I think the elements are successful in this piece. She breaks up her space well and i love the detail that it has in the foreground. This picture makes me feel upsset towards the city thats making the animals in the area deal with their trash. I like this piece quite a lot. I think it has a good message and a clear story line.


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