A pinhole camera can only work with the right usage.there needs to be a completely dark container black on the outside and inside.....it needs to be dark...no light...light is what makes the solargraph.There will be special paper/photogragh paper that is used for the pin hole camera....after you hyave a completly dark container you cut out a square then make a pin hole...then you place the special paper into the continaer glossy side facing the pin hole...light will travel through the hole..distort its self  then bend back onto the paper where the suns light will make little crystals grow and form a image do to color and gropwth of the crystals....needs to face the south... 

these are called sun crystals...they are what make your solargraph or the maping of the suns paths that are shown when the sun sets and rises they need to face the  south so it can record most of the suns path. you are graphing the suns paths.... it will then be fixed and motified into a light colored photo.....
11/25/2012 09:21:40 pm

Can pinhole cameras make other images besides solargraphs? What makes the paper used in a pinhole camera special? When you say "cut out a square, then make a pinhole" it is a bit unclear. Explain this more. How does this type of camera get its "pinhole" name? How does the light "distort itself" within the pinhole camera? What is special about the creation of a solargraphic image? Describe how a solargraph is different from a traditional photographic image. What is a "light colored photo" and how do you "fix and modify it"?

11/26/2012 08:52:14 pm

A pinhole camera can make other images besides solargraphs.what makes the paper in the pinhole camera special is its chemical coating that provides light sensitiveity.when you make a square cut out in your pihole camera container you cover it with a metal square covering it up once again...so then you take a needle and then poke a hole into the metal piece....making a "pinhole".thats also why it gets its name....becuse the recording is from the pinhole made by the needle.The light distorts itself by fliping itself upside down in opposite so when the light comes into the pinhole and croses itself it flips....therefore distorts...kinda.whats special about the creation of a solargraphic image is it draws the sun accross your image plain...its a graph....and uses silver to make the photo...silver is coated on the photo paper that turns dark when exposed to light.the diffrence is that it is unussally long....making the crystals reflect other colors.....due to exposure...its time is unlike other photographs ,while a camera takes a second for a picture...a pinhole takes a very long time to make on picture.you can then go and adjust your exposure in photoshop to enhance the colors made by the growth of the crystals....something like that.

11/27/2012 08:22:14 pm

something special about solargraphs and pinhole camera's: "The colours appearing in this pinhole camera picture are not related to the actual colours of the scene. The colour comes from the appearance of finely divided metallic silver growing on silver halide grains"
light does not bend unless forced and when it enters the pinhole made on the camera it flips up side down going the opposite .


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